Yesterday as I sat with my Center, I was presented with a few new concepts about things.
It started with a hummingbird being close to my face as I sat there gently listening.
In the evening, I was presented with a new thought. All the questions I had were answered, but I had many more as my day progressed. Instead I received a gift of a new thought and gently accepted it. What if you change your focus?
The focus I've had recently had run it's course. I questioned myself many times, playing with the focus I recently had and until yesterday I thought I would go crazy not knowing. Then after centering, I felt calmer.
My new focus brought me a great opening to all that is. I thought I was pretty open to begin with! That was not the case, my new focus instead shifted my gaze very slightly. I discovered I was on the precipice of a huge shift in my thinking/being.
Then it came. The calm. As if everything became easy. The struggle was over. I was pleased! Then I did the most natural thing. Something I learned before sharing something sacred with an audience. It is taking a deep breath and exhaling in the moment as the beginning. This I have learned shows reverence for the moment about to happen. It is my way of honoring that which is unseen but felt.
We all have our different ways of showing reverence and honor. It only occurs naturally in an unrushed moment. A moment where you are completely aware of everything around you and YET you still are in your center. A moment where you are fully realized. A moment that is not judged or questioned. A moment where truth exists.
Don't know how to get this? Yes you do! You do it all the time! It's the moment you look to the left or right while you're thinking! If you can be still enough to experience it while you're in your center and you feel the gaze move slightly physically or mentally, that's it. You've captured it. Now sit with it and notice what you naturally do. No need to write anything down, you WILL remember! :-)