Thursday, September 16, 2010


When one is in disagreement with another, there is conflict.

It is an inevitable part of life and depending on the situation you are in during the conflict, it can be easily remedied or there may be a bigger need to process it in a neutral situation.

It begins with an uneasy feeling. Something about the words you hear or see cause a feeling. That feeling is the first sense you have something is not resonating with you as you are now.

If you take this feeling and allow it in your thoughts, you are more apt to be able to process what you are hearing/seeing along with that feeling.

If you're gentle enough with this process and have practice doing it, you begin to realize the conflict is OK and it is something you don't need to be hooked into.  On the other hand, you may have practice with grabbing the hook of conflict and staying with it. Painfully analyzing why you were in the wrong. This is called internalizing. Unfortunately, I have too much practice with this.

 I don't know about you, but it's like having a sore muscle with a new process. Your body needs to realign itself naturally to integrate this new regimen. You need to be gentle to yourself during this process. Don't beat yourself up for not doing it right. It's ok. You are OK! Take a breath, know you are being the best you can be and go on. Release the hook. It's that easy. You may be sore after that, but it's merely superficial, it is not deep and will heal itself sooner than you think because you choose to massage the soreness out with positive self talk.

Someone out there has your back. It's YOU!  Now show yourself some Love.  :-)

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