Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Laughter appears naturally when tension is released.  Sometimes being perceived as laughing about something, it is merely the body expressing relief.

What can you change in your life today to release tension?

Tension requires pulling from both ends.  Releasing one end means the other end can pull even more and WIN. Releasing both ends means the string is released and there is nothing left but BEING.

This is where Great things happen. This is where the possibilities become even more clear and what is left is Brilliance.  This is where You are allowed to be You on your own terms.

I see you smiling right now...  :-)

Monday, November 29, 2010


Do you have the ability to do or act? That is power at a basic level. 

You have the ability to choose how you do something.  

Not sure? Don't know where your power is?  What are you focusing on? It is not selfish to want to act on your own in your appropriate manner. Yes, there are consequences for one's actions, but if executed correctly, there is a clear feeling, something unmuddled with anything else.

Feeling muddled?  It's attention brought to you to shake off that muddled feeling revealing Brilliance.

Brilliance only comes from Light and Vibration levels one has and resonates with.  Change your tuning fork to a higher note and you will be amazed at what is there waiting for you.

Today, I reclaim my Power and I am.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Peaceful serenity

As I enjoyed my warm drink on the front porch of our friend's house, I realized how important it is to be in a peaceful setting to recharge your batteries.

If you don't have an opportunity to experience it on a regular basis, you become depleted.

Nature has a way of renewing your spirit and reconnecting you with who you really are.  You can recreate it for yourself with a walk in the park.  The more natural the setting, the deeper the experience will be for you.

Honor yourself and take time to recharge yourself, no one else can do this for you.

I am Grateful.  :-)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


A wise person asked me a question recently.

What are you investing your time in?

Think about it.  Sometimes what you think is a waste of time is truly not.

Connection is important. It is the thing that allows life to flow through us all.

Sometimes we lose connection and it spins out of control to the point where we feel NO connection.

I have been there, Friend.  I'm also here to tell you, you can reconnect. Sometimes you need a friend to assist you with this endeavor.  It's ok to ask for help and assistance.

We're all in this together, get over it and get into it.  :-)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Blue Flame

Watching the fire last night dancing with blue and yellow hypnotized me into a wonder filled state of Peace and Calm.

May this bring you Peace and Calm today as well.

Namaste.  :-)

Sunday, November 21, 2010


How do we verify things we sense?

Sometimes there is no need to verify. Sometimes we sense things as movement in energy. Sometimes it is just that basic. Something that moves us to in a gentle manner to change at first creates a huge change in our life where looking back on the gentle energy makes you realize it was a tsunami when it comes closer to your shore.

Other times we need to verify. The Universe is a flow of information for us. Attention to something requires tuning into the something. Something that is brought to our attention seemingly so insignificant may be the Universe saying, your sensing is correct by this sign.

What is brought to your attention?  Attention requires tuning into Universal information.

You don't think so?

Where do you get new ideas?  Where do you get visions of what could be doing?  Where do you hear things telling you this is a great idea or perhaps this is not a great idea?  Where do you get the feeling in your gut saying this is not a good idea?  You may say this is your body responding from brain activity.

OK. So, Brain activity requires electrical impulses.

Where does the electricity come from?  And in that electrical activity, does it not act as a transmitter and receiver of information flowing around us?  I think so.

I honor you in your belief otherwise because each one of us a unique in our own way, but don't forget, we are much more alike than we are unique and we're all in this together!  :-)

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Being decisive is sometimes a process by which playing with the new idea needs to occur.

By playing with a new idea, one is becoming in tune with how the new idea will work. It's the what-if stage. It's also the stage where one can begin to align themselves with something new and then circumstances arise where the new thing is questioned.  This is all part of the process.

And then there are times when a decision is made that completely causes empowerment. It's fascinating to think about because the liberating feeling one gets from this causes them to instantly walk into the new idea knowing it "feels right".  Yes, feeling it.

What, you can't trust your feelings?

Sometimes I do not. Most of the time I do, only because I have practiced it for so long that I have become accustomed to respecting it. 

When you walk in a room next time, notice how you feel.  Noticing just might begin your journey to something wonder filled.

Check it out.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Trust is such a basic thing. Filled with emotions and intertwingled with Faith.

What do you Trust about yourself? Are you sure? Some day it will be tested. Some day you will find you have a choice.  Hold onto what you trust or let it go. 

Black and White? I think not. This is Growth, Refinement. It's an ongoing process to bring you the opportunity to be more brilliant with your Light!  Sometimes when you can't trust yourself, it spirals you out of control with rational thinking.  Sometimes when you can't trust yourself you enjoy the ocean of possibilities brought to you.

Faith will always bring you back to where you are Cherished the Most. Welcome to your Destiny.

Be Joyful and Share it. We're all in this together.  :-)

Thursday, November 18, 2010


When one becomes attuned to a different frequency than what they had been previously, things of the past are not the same.

This is part of Growth.  You know you have grown when you think about something in the past and it does not feel the same. This is good!  Enjoy it.  That means you have just made more room for the Present and your Future!  Aren't you glad you are conscious enough to realize this?

And you thought feelings were not accurate.  They are, they are very real and they are part of being Human.  With that, you are able to step your game up because this will be You, only Better because you can make choices easier and even answer your own questions if you learn how to listen to your feelings.

Practice makes perfect. Keep on Keepin' On.  :-)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Looking at a book I got my son, it showed how to make a radio out of simple material.

What fascinated me was the copper coiled up as a receiver of the radio transmissions.

Why is that? Why does it have to be coiled? Then I realized it was to capture the full spectrum of the wave of the frequency.


As humans, we are electrical animals. We need to become more aware of being receivers of transmissions all around us.

Sound far out? Sound weird? I think not. Today I will explore this thought process more.

What are you transmitting? What are you receiving? Are you mistaking receiving waves of information as your own? Are you open enough to receive? Interesting to think about, isn't it?!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I have beliefs. These beliefs are the foundation of how I act, how I react, and how I speak.

Mostly, I walk my walk.

Are you walking your walk?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Not here again

An odd energy intrudes my early morning.  I remain strong.

Late evening past danced strangely as I recognized the energy....it was familiar unfortunately.

I remember the calm, unbusyness of previous days.  

Nice thing this time is that the Universe holds me up.  Nice thing this time is that I have energy facilitated to bring me support.  Nice thing this time is that it is a different morning!

Unexpected and honored, I accept this gift from the Universe.

This is me, opening up even more.  :-)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010


In a state of uneasiness, activities that once generated energy are now felt as an irritant.

Friday, November 12, 2010


I am changed. Walking into my new role with new things to do.

My retreat into a musical, magical immersion has brought me to this point and I have gratitude.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Riding the wave

Ever notice how some common interest transports information unseen so quickly?

Music will do this. Appreciation of common songs draw us close to experience Joy together.

Barriers are obliterated, judgements suspended and Joy fills the room.

Of course we interpret how music moves us on an individual basis but the underlying Joy is experienced as a whole.

Ushering in feeling of community. Brought together by CHOICE.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Quiet morning

As I awoke naturally, I got to enjoy the non-busyness of the day beginning.

Interesting way to begin my day.

Immediately I wonder how I can recreate this at my home. I cannot.

All I can do is remember this poignant moment of peace and calm to draw upon from time to time.

As I enjoy the beauty and charm of my antique room I find myself thinking old thoughts of centuries ago.

How far back can I remember? My meditation begins.

What, you think you have to closing your eyes and sitting still to meditate?

Meditation is a state of mind where the stillness is there. Emptying you mind, unattaching your conscious activity of the mind. I have found rhythmic movement assists me with this. Yes, even dancing can be used. I guess the core of meditation can be described as a rhythm without a rhythm. It is releasing judgement

And now I begin preparing my text in a physical journal with pencil in hand.

May you find Peaceful clarity today with this message from me to YOU. :-)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


On my journey today I am changed this morning.

A new energy is brought to me and I feel the Universe strongly today.

The calm morning draws me into my core and I am calmed and peaceful.

I am excited how the day will unfold.  I am smiling.  :-)

Monday, November 8, 2010

I am

It is the I Am that I seek.

I've been here waiting for myself this whole time.  Patiently.

Waiting is a strange place to be.  It is not an passive state.  The ebb and flow of this activity presents waves that allow one to be found in them, swept away with them or allowed to be in a place where the waves have passed and Peace is found.  With this comes the realization that sometimes we are swept up, but there is a cycle we belong to and there will be times when there is Peace, a time when there are storms and a time when there are opportunities.

I begin my day with a different cadence, a curiosity, a state of no longer waiting but this time, being active with anticipation.

Namaste.  :-)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

All we want.

All we really want is to tune into that Universal energy that holds us together.

All we really want is to hold each other up and support each other.

What a great way to start the day!  

We really are all in this together, so let's start acting like it.

It's amazing when one person opens themselves up to possibilities and then from that opening discovers new avenues of thought and energy!  Then that one person interfaces with another and shares their story.  Then the other person opens themselves up and the world becomes a better place.

Wasn't that easy?  Didn't you just feel a great sense of relief?  :-)

Friday, November 5, 2010


Being in a place that seems to be stuck, I have chosen to become more flexible.  

The possibilities of what to do next causes me to analyze if I have any fears about this because it is obvious to me that fear has a way of paralyzing me.

What am I holding onto that is creating this vacuum?  What am I ignoring?

I realized yesterday that my thought process to carve out a career for myself may have been backwards.  I need to decide because the Universe waits to support that decision.

What about deciding is causing this paralyzing process?

Is it possible to be too open?  Maybe not.  Maybe I am so open I am caught up in all of the activity around being this open and all I need to do is shift my gaze or attention to something to focus on it.

Maybe because I am intimate with the creative process, I know all about the relinquishing, the movement that occurs when you're in the moment, the unattachment required to let the Universe flow through you.  There is an element I am not seeing, not sensing, not picking up on.

Today, I will think about focusing on that which wishes to express itself through me.  I am centered, I am ready, I believe I am prepared.

Today, I will readjust my skirt and start walking to see what energy I will resonate with.  :-)

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Kind of fun beginning my day before sunrise.  I get the peace of the darkness and the quiet in the house.

A new day awaits!  Some things just don't change very easily, don't they?

We think we have it all figured out and then something happens to change the pattern of our thoughts.

Our freedom truly exists within ourselves. It has nothing to do with anyone else.

It's that feeling one chooses to allow.  In order to have that feeling of freedom, one must let go of all other thoughts.  It's easier to do than you're struggling with.

The darkness of the day teaches us how to do this.  The animals know it.

The sun has not began her song yet, but the Moon's song is very different.  A peaceful song it sings.  You should listen to it sometime.  Look to the moon in the darkness.  The darkness plays with the moon, the wind carries their song.  

Peaceful thoughts today.  Sitting with this feels stable for me today as I had a strange evening last night with a strange dance in front of me.

Sometimes I just feel like I am in a foreign place.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wow is all I gotta say

I find myself in a completely different place today.  

The Universe does work with us!  The strange feelings I had were directly related chemical reaction to antihistamine.  I do not take ANY other medication, so if I feel that way, I wonder how others feel and maybe how they don't realize it is this that causes them to think they are depressed or out of sorts.

Wow is all I gotta say.

It started with the Universe sending an email that I won concert tickets in a different state, halfway across the US from where I am!  Then it continued when my family said "go".

Still in a haze, but coming out of it because I didn't take the antihistamine that day, I made reservations finding a pep in my attitude.

The conflict in my life dissipated and the fog lifted.

I have stated before luck is not in my world. Nothing happens by mistake.  It was the Universe giving me something, and I accepted it.

Wow is all I gotta say today.  

What is the Universe giving to you?  A good job?  A good family?  Good friends?  A loving animal friend?  A kind feeling from the breeze that plays with your face?  A calm feeling looking into the dark while you're outside?  Accept it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


For those who suffer or have suffered from depression.

Be wary of using any kind of drug if you are not currently taking ANY medications.

I used an over the counter antihistamine for allergies and it threw me over the edge.

Not a good combination given the emotional stuff I have been working with the last few days.

I knew it could have been related to this but now I know.

Be Gentle.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Specks of Dust

I am more than my relationships.

I am more than my relationship with the Earth.

I am more than my relationship with this body.

I am more than my relationship with the Whole.

Why is the Whole important?

Why is my microcosm of a thing important in the great scheme of things?

I am yet a speck of dust compared to the Whole, why is that important?

There are smaller things than my speck of dust. Why are these all so important to the Whole?

Because together they make up the Whole.

Why is the Whole Important?

What if there wasn't a Whole?

Then there would be nothing.

Whole is an expression.

Then and only then the speck of dust becomes important. The speck of dust is the expression of the Whole. Then the Whole is expressed. Without the one speck of dust the Whole would not be expressed properly and it would not be True to Itself.

The speck of dust finds its energy again and continues to dance resonating with the Whole and finding Joy again in that resonance with the Whole.

The energy from the dance from the speck of dust is contagious and causes other specks of dust around it to tune themselves to its resonance, thus tuning themselves in the resonance of the Whole.


After the trauma and shock, after clarity has shown me that which I needed to see, I am left here alone.

It is just me.  

It has always been just me.

I have a choice as I always do.  Why not create something so wonder filled that I get caught up in it's dance?  Why not create something so beautiful that it fires all my senses?  Why not open myself to All that Is and let it flow through me with such force that the gush of energy creates a shift in the Earth's axis?

The emptiness exists.

It is the place tears come from from time to time.

It is also the place where one is able to take a deep breath because there is a new reality that will exist with the next exhale.

It is the place where one can grab onto the friendly hand extended to them to pull them up.  The friendly hand.

Sometimes there is no physical friendly hand. Sometimes it is the hand from the place we all come from.

I know this hand, it has been there all along, waiting for me when I need it.

The emptiness dissipates.

It is still there, but I choose to call upon the Light of All Living Things Connected again. 

Great Universal Light that Connects All Things, I ask You Today to Be My Friend and Be With Me.  While I'm asking from my low spot today, I also ask That You Touch All the lives of those who need to Today too, because if I'm in a low spot, others may be too and I want them to feel Your Comfort because they need it too.

And So It Is.