Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Amazing where creativity comes from.  A true artist honors that which is unseen.  "How can that be?" you ask.  Because where the energy comes from is from the unseen.  It comes from energy moving through them.  It is expression of higher self.  Higher self? What??  You Lost me.

The higher self is your spirit, your soul. All of that oeey gooey good stuff that is unseen. Your body is merely a vehicle in which your spirit and soul functions at this level.

An artist is open to energy that moves through them.  They relinquish to how a thought occurs to them and then they begin assembling their thoughts and supplies before beginning their project.  Then comes the pen to the paper, the paint to the canvas, the scissors to the fabric.  This is an important step because it is in this step where the creativity takes over-the expression takes over-the artist relinquishes to the rush of energy to lead them where they need to go to use what it is they have at that moment.  Most times, the thought they initially had was a good thought, but the product they produce in the end is something different than they first thought of. That is how spirit works, that is how energy works. Many times, for myself, I find myself in a trance where I "come to" and am in awe at what was created. This is not ego, this is astonishment at what I thought would be the finished product doesn't match at all with how much more the end product exceeded any expectation.

You see, I am at a junction such as this.  I am getting my supplies together for the project at hand.  Having been through this for most of my adult life, I know this will be exciting because when I relinquish, the end result of the project will exceed my expectations.

You think you're not creative?  Hogwash!!!  How many times have you had to alter your course midstream in any "project" and were in awe of how well it turned out?  That is creativity my friend!  True, we all have our gifts and they are not the same, I am just nudging you today to give you some self confidence in what you may have that you have ignored or discounted.

Let's Create something awesome!~    :-)

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