As my day ends, so does my clarity.
I am faced with questioning why I feel like I do? Why am I judgmental? Why do I need to judge? Why do I need to label something in a neat and tidy package?
I don't. It is not in my nature to label and judge that strongly, it is merely a reaction to external things.
That which is external will always disappoint me. Someone else's behavior is external.
I am told not take it personal that it is their opportunity to deal with, not mine.
I look in the eyes of questions.
The questions are there, but my clarity pierces through the fog and I am standing in pure light.
That's where I begin to question my clarity. Is this how clarity is? I guess because I sense it is something not familiar in this situation. The precipice appears again. My gentle tendencies are questioned by myself. Is it really this easy? Is it really this clear? Why?
I realize I am not enjoying this level or this type of clarity because it is in such a dense fog. My light shines brightly but it is dimmed in the dense fog. No one else can see my light I fear. That's where I am wrong.
My light is not something to see, it is felt.
My light springs forth in rhythm with every living thing.
The fog is the fog. Let it Be.
Stand in Your Light. Sadness and confusion happen, it is part of growth. My awkwardness throws me off center. I ask for Grace and Freedom of Movement. Blessed Universal Light, I ask now for this Peace and shake me with your Vibrations so my Light is unobstructed.
And so it is. :-)