Monday, October 4, 2010

Behind the scenes

In my world, everything happens for a reason.  Things are brought to my attention where I need to readjust my thinking or habit or routine.

This is all part of growth!  Behind the scenes, we are expanding and our roots grow and our buds burst out with blossom.  It's a natural process to allow some things wither because they are not helpful for the growth of the plant. 

Feeling as if I were tossed in the wind and blown around without an anchor, I saw I was the Mountain.  How could this be?  I've always been told otherwise.  Who told me this? Why did I choose to believe it?

If I am the Mountain, why do I not feel stable all the time?  Maybe I do!  Maybe because I have that stability, I am able to reach farther away from the mountain to see what is out there.  Maybe I am more powerful than I think I am.  If that is true, why do I vacillate with decisions I need to make?

Because in order to grow, I need to reach and retreat. It is a natural process!

Now what?

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