Wednesday, December 29, 2010


There is merit to living with being very raw, very open, very vulnerable.  

Because with that opening comes growth.

The bud broke through and the blossom begins to emerge.

It was painful, I knew it was, I lived in it's pain, but I knew the blossom would emerge so I breathed through it.

<Me crying with such Gratitude right now>

I knew being vulnerable and raw was OK because it is very human and there is always a reason for things in one's life.  I allowed it as part of Life's experience.

Thank you.

I face you today in a new light.  My head is looking forward, my walk is confident, my smile is present, my thoughts are pure.  It's been so long that instantly, I recognize this and I know what Love can do.

Thank you.

As a calm breeze, it came to anger, no fists in the air, no tensity, just calm.

My God, I am ready for this. Thank you.


Everyone needs assistance from time to time.

When we get locked into what kind of assistance we need, it causes confusion and disbelief sometimes.

Sometimes the assistance we really need is knowing we are supported by forces unseen but Felt.

It is in this Feeling that we find our greatest calm. The calm that brings us back to our Center.

May each and every One of you today be Blessed with finding your Center when you need it Most.

Don't know where your center is?

It is the thought you get that makes your body relax. Yes, right there.

All you need to do is remember that feeling, that thought.  :-)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Creativity is imperative for our growth.

Everyone is creative in their own way. 

It is in the process of how we create that we find insight that can be applied to any aspect of our lives. Isn't that fascinating to think about?  I learned that intertwingling wider pieces of ribbon with thinner pieces of ribbon creatives an interesting effect and then I applied this to my life.  There are wide awarenesses intertwingled with narrow, focused awarenesses and what comes out of that is a beautifully crafted cloth with lots of interest.

What are you choosing to weave into your cloth?  What do you need to do to grow?

You don't want to grow?  You don't want to shine more than you are now?

Yes you do!  No matter where you are in life, no matter how much you think you are a master of a craft, there is always room to grow.  A True Master knows the more you learn, the more you have yet to learn.

Why not challenge yourself?  Why not decide to be brighter with your Light? Why not decide to start acting like we're really all in this together and that we need not rush so much?

Life is Now, Life is Here, Life is Connection.  Life is Encouraging.

Monday, December 27, 2010


The glow of the moon takes a different shape unseen by my eyes, but caught in my digital camera.

The glow of the moon takes a different feeling when the air is cold.

I feel much more alive in the cold, dark of the night. It is the darkness where my eyes are calmed, my gaze dims as I am forced to use my other senses.

Sometimes we need to reset our thoughts, realign our physical with etherical selves.  What, you don't think the etherical is real?  Where do you get thoughts?  Why are some images so powerful you are brought to your knees with gratitude of seeing Truth?  Why are some images you have never experienced in this life available and shown to you?  EVERYONE has had these. If it's not an image, it is a smell, a sound that opens something inside you that floods you with a memory you don't know where it came from, but you feel it's Truth.

All from gazing at the Moon and Stars.

We are more alike than we are different.  :-)

Thursday, December 23, 2010


An interesting thing Fire is.  Yes, it needs fuel to continue. But where does the energy come from just before it engulfs something?  It's that pause you sense just before you see the flames.

The Pause.

It's the point where the energy changes directions or follows a direction.

The point where a spark is present and then it disappears.

The point where energy is collected during the pause to show it's power.

Then the sound begins and the dance changes its course.

What happens in that pause? Fascinating to think about.

The Pause.

Enjoy your pause as it presents itself.  Everyone gets one, just be aware of them to enjoy them when you do get them. They are so full of Life-it is an active form of energy, unlike being passive as one might think.

Monday, December 20, 2010


I have discovered when something happens or occurs with ease, it is the Universe expressing compatibility related to one's journey.

So much conflict happens and it does not need to.  Or maybe it does? Maybe because one feels great conflict, one also realizes when conflict is gone in the split second of an expression.

How can this be?  Why?  Why does there really have to be conflict?  I believe it is to allow us to be hit between the eyes with Truth when there is no conflict.  This is not a violent hit, this is a hit of clear, conscious intention that releases the valve of conflict that has built up.

What a perfect way to express emotion than on a full moon with an impending lunar eclipse!

The moon is so helpful for emotions.  It creates ebbs and flows as the ocean reflects, except it is related to our emotions.

Think I'm smoking something funny?  Ask any hospital what happens on full moons.

Go outside and enjoy the moon, it wants to talk with you about what you're feeling. It wants to listen to what you're feeling.

And on a crisp night, it draws out of you what needs to be drawn out and brought to your attention. This is such a gentle action, this drawing out.  Watch the moon, don't think of anything and you will feel it's pull.

Life is so interesting, isn't it?!  :-)

Saturday, December 11, 2010


There is a message waiting for you!  Nature has it for you.  Nature is patient with you, it is unrushed and it is not demanding in this manner.  Go outside and breathe it in. Take in all the air you can through your nose and exhale it through your mouth and watch what happens.  Your body naturally starts to realign itself with your activity of breathing.  Watch it. Observe it. There is no need to control it because it is NATURAL.

There are so many natural things occurring at once. 

What, you can't observe yourself without goofing up the process?  Yes you can!  You do it all the time.

Start somewhere.  Smell a rose, smell some coffee, smell something that makes your body feel good. It is in the instant where you realize your body feels good is where the observer is.  Starting in this practice allows you to sense how you feel, what you're thinking in the instant and how you might be able to associate this smell when you are in a place that doesn't feel good!

Now, the next time you're in a place where it doesn't feel good, observe yourself. Remember the good smell and sense your body relaxing.

Nature is here for Everyone!  Jump in, the water is fine!  :-)

Friday, December 10, 2010


There is more of Nature than there are buildings to keep us inside.  There is more in Nature than there are televisions and video games.  The sheer vastness of Nature should give us a hint when we need one. Sometimes all we need is a hint and then we take off like wildfire.

The sheer vastness of Nature should be a great resource for us when we need to center again.

The sheer vastness of Nature has so many forces we cannot see, but we can sense and it is there for us to tap into.

What, You don't sense it? You don't feel it?

Next time you think about it, take a look at what is out there!  Go outside, look at the bugs playing in the earth, take a look at the plants and how they grow-always reaching for the Sun...look at the clouds and how they pass so peacefully by.  Doesn't that body of water free your mind when you look at it and see the waves run across it?

Be Careful, you might just see something that makes you laugh out loud or all of a sudden realize you are at Peace and Connected...

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable, my analytical nature kicked in once again.

It is in the moment of observation where I seem to be calmest and am able to look at my situation, whatever it may be, in many perspectives.

I began to analyze why I was overwhelmed and felt vulnerable.  It was in this moment where I gained insight into how to release overwhelming feelings!

It is that moment where you take a breath in and you don't want to exhale. It's also the moment I had when I realized I was contracting stomach muscles and not wanting to let go.

Why would I want to hold onto overwhelming energy, I asked myself.

So, I let go!  And it dissipated immediately! And as with everything else in my life, if I learn one thing, I can apply to every aspect of my life, so I began to think of things to let go of.

You know, the nagging feeling when you're wanting to make coffee and the filtered water pitcher in the refrigerator is empty enough to not make a full pot?  Well, I recognized me holding onto that feeling and then I decided to let it go!  It worked!  I said to myself, "get a grip girl, just fill the pitcher up with water so you can make a full pot of coffee, there's no need for drama"!  Hmm, my day just got a whole bunch more interesting...

I'm going to explore with this one!  Hope you're having fun today too.  :-)