Monday, January 31, 2011

Not myself

We have all been there. 

Realizing what ramifications there are of reacting while not being centered. Caught off guard.

Why do we need to be on guard?  There is something to this.  Why do we need to "stay ready" for a situation that may never happen?  Is that not a form of manifestation with the law of attraction?

I think so.

Perpetuating one's reaction to an event that may or may not happen creates a vacuum of energy bringing that which we spend our energy on.


That which is unseen.  Energy-that which is actually measurable with instruments (clock, meters, etc).  Energy is where one spends time attracting or repelling.  It is not this simple. Energy has many patterns and movements. One just needs to be open to the possibilities and open enough to know when to let it pass and when to hold onto it and run rampantly with it.

That is the answer I seek. Holding on to old patterns is something practiced and familiar.  The trick is to let go of those old patterns and let them pass as new patterns emerge. The new pattern will allow for an expansion in one's self because the power of letting go of an old pattern is greater than holding onto it at this point. Why not try a new approach?  What do I have to lose?  I will lose the old pattern is what I'll lose, so if it is so caustic, why do I need to hold onto it?  

I do not have control over anything else other than myself. That is what my transformation is all about.

So my transformation continues. Yes, I was not myself.  This means Yes, I was not in my center when I reacted.  I was holding onto an old pattern.

Now, with the help of the Universe, I ask that this old pattern be released freeing me of this misalignment. I now choose to align myself again and gain my centeredness. 

And so it is.  :-)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

And then it happened

In a terrible storm, the energy changed and rushed away leaving what was left.

It was miraculous in nature to where I suddenly smiled at the truth revealing itself to me!

How can this be?  I did not question it this time, I smiled and realized healing is possible.  If I Heal, I am Healed.

The opportunity presented itself as if the light switch turned on, fully illuminating what needed to come to the light.

Who am I to judge this time if it is right or wrong, it was Spirit screaming YES!  All the anger rushed out, all the energy changed completely.

This was the moment of transformation!  I chose to embrace it run with it because finally, the truth was presented to me.

Gosh.  That's all I gotta say right now!  Way Cool.  :-)

Me and only Me

In the Blue Light, I hear the guidance around me.

I share Me with All that Is.  It is a two way street this Blue Light.

There are frequencies involved with different colors and the Blue Light settles in nicely with my being.

I take a breath, feel the confidence again and wonder what just happened.

Being the keen observer I am, I see myself calmly breathing and staying centered.

This is helpful for you too!  Look at this Blue, does it not calm you and speak Life to you? Does it not indicate there is something greater that connects us all?

Yes it does.  The sky and the oceans remind us of this knowledge that awaits.

Next time you need an answer, look to the sky or the ocean, connect with the larger energy. Just know that your answer will appear FIRST. Don't discount it, don't say "this is not what I had in mind at all", for it is the answer you requested.  Just know the answer will be there and it is your responsibility to hear or see it and not judge it away.

You may be surprised at what you hear or see or smell.

I smell Lillies. Thank you Lilly.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Get Real

I have always had tendencies to be a highly creative, analytical, friendly person. This is my nature. Just as you have your nature and tendencies. We acquire these tendencies at a young age when we are forging our way through this physical existence. There is nothing wrong with this, it is natural because at a young age we are integrating being in the physical world.

What, you think I'm still out in La La Land?

I have a pioneering spirit where my attributes are intertwingled together to bring forth new ideas and energy. This is my nature. It may frighten others thinking about how open one must be to bring new ideas into their existence, but you know what, everyone has things that they need to grapple with.

Today, with my focus very clear, I move forward. Today I integrate my idealistic view into the realm of NOW, "getting real".

There is a list to complete to attain a clear path to where I am going.

Clarity has it's advantage when it is aligned with success.

Go get 'em.  :-)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Light from within

Self doubt is an opportunity to polish and refine one's Brilliance.

It is in this process of scrubbing off the feelings of self doubt that one begins to realize the strength required to get back to self confidence from self doubt. This then brings them a greater understanding.

Once the understanding has revealed itself, we feel polished and more refined at the same time of feeling raw from having questioned our self.  But questioning is a good process in which refinement would not exist without it.

Questions are important in that they allow more thought avenues and energy to enter our consciousness.

Some people require an instant for processing this, others require longer periods of time. Everyone is correct with the answer to this. Respect is required if someone does not respond instantly, but takes the question back to their conscious for processing and refinement.  Judgement is not part of this process because processing the question may have to be examined as a whole and not just a minute part of something else. Essentially, we all have to answer to ourselves before anyone else.  

What questions are you avoiding of your own refinement?

What, you don't have any refinement to do?  Hmm, the human existence requires it, because we are greater than our physical being.

In the end, it is the Light from within that endures through all the trials we have in life, so always look to the light when in self doubt.

Namaste.  :-)

Monday, January 24, 2011


I never said life was easy. I never said life is always positive.

Instead I share the struggle of Human Existence. The Human experience. 

I deal with things that happen in life in a Unique way. Each person does. How dare we think we all deal with Life in the same manner!  We are unique in our ways.  That is why sharing my life experiences and how I deal with them may help someone going through the same type of thing to gain a different perspective.

I am not any better than anyone else and I don't pretend to be.  I am sensitive by nature and non-confrontrational.  Why is that bad?

My flaws are also my strengths.

The sun warms my soul.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Another day begins! What will unfold today?

When gentleness has settled in, things take on a different feeling.

When gentleness settles in, things happen in an unrushed, natural manner.

When gentleness settles in, one relaxes naturally, breathes naturally, thinks naturally.

When gentleness settles in, the power behind the gentleness is greater than you think. 

You don't think so? You don't think the power of gentleness can move mountains?

Think about it.  When you are trying to force something to happen, your face grimaces as you plug away at making this thing happen. Your energy goes to this one thing you want to happen. There is much activity around it. 

Then there is the gentle way. Knowing the one thing will happen, having that Faith that it will, you breathe the breath in before taking the first step. Knowing what you are embarking on rings true, you have the Faith to carry you through the activity involved in this new thing. You are the calm in the center of the activity.

Do you sense the difference? Faith does move mountains because Faith is the interconnectedness one has with All That Is. Forcing something to happen using one's own energy will never be enough.

Namaste.  :-)

Saturday, January 22, 2011


When the moment presents itself, release it. You'll be surprised at what setting free an old hurt does. Untangling the web that was created around it will be gone. Of course, you may feel raw and exposed, but it is the process of growth.

Breathing again, I found the power of reflection helpful with my ability to release. And another day begins. Why is all of the emotional stuff coming out? Because I chose growth. In order to grow, one must first realize it is time to grow. It comes from the depth of one's being, as if the soul calls and one listens. It is not an easy process this growth. It takes refinement, and with refinement comes shaking off that which is not purposeful anymore knowing there is another purpose.

Why do I share so freely? Because I am Human too. There is great value for me in sharing my Humanness in a way you may have not thought about. A more gentle manner. A more accepting manner.  In gentleness, there is great comfort and with great comfort there is great energy. Yes, something gentle can carry greater energy than you can imagine. The struggle produces a new calm.

And so I reflect and share because I do Care. We are all in this together.

Namaste.  :-)

Monday, January 17, 2011


Sitting outside this morning watching the sun rise, a fog begins to come into my field of vision.  It's gentle blanket reminds me of something.

The Joy I have to share with you this morning is how to attain it. It is very simple and easy to do.

In order to feel Joy for All that Is, all you need to do is quit struggling.

Wasn't that easy?  

For some quitting the struggle seems fearful at first. "What is to become of me if I quit struggling?"  What is to become of you is the most natural force and process known. 

If you quit struggling, you relax. If you relax, you find your centeredness. If you find your centeredness, you begin to allow nature to be nature. Nature is things seen and unseen. The struggle to label things must be lifted to allow your True Self to Be.

There is so much to share with you all, and I wish to do that!  Wishes are much different than you think they are!

I Wish the energy of this Joy find you and anyone you come in contact with today, for we are all in this together.


Saturday, January 15, 2011


If something draws our attention, what is happening?

Many things draw our attention throughout the day. Sometimes it comes to the point of distraction.

Why do we need to be distracted?  It is us being aware of things around us and acting upon that awareness. There are things that need to be attended to and things that are not needed to be attended to right away. It is a natural process of refinement for focus. If we were not distracted, we would not value focus.

Is it not true a child in a true state of playfulness (focus) will completely forget to eat or drink until the parent reminds them?

Sometimes becoming aware of being distracted is a longer process that makes one forget their initial focus.  It may be a fog that is suddenly lifted to reveal the alignment you truly have. Isn't that a great feeling?

As my dog barking reveals, sometimes distraction lets us refocus with greater precision. This I see as valuable!

What are you distracted with today? Better yet, what are you focusing on that needs refinement? Enjoy your distractions, for they will bring you greater resolve for focus, don't fret so.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Like a warm blanket, the day greets me.  The day says to me "Hello, You are Here and You are Loved". In this awareness I smile and find Joy with All That Is.

Interesting how focused one can become in the pursuit of a dream. 

The dream takes on a different energy. It becomes reality, step by step.  As the seed grows, as the bud appears, as the flower breaks through the bud, so shall one's pursuit of a dream continue.

With guidance and focus, one can achieve anything they dare to.

In spite of everything else, the flower continues to grow.  The flower knows there is much more to this process than the physical representation of itself.

Namaste.  :-)

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Today is a great day for connection. Today I take another step forward and begin to Trust.

Today my Trust goes beyond my boundaries. Today my Trust becomes reality. Today my Trust comes from the presence of Connection.

It is in the calm, smooth energy I find guidance easily.

I am becoming accustomed to this new sensation. I am open to All That Is.

You think I'm out in LaLa Land?  No, this is me being Human in a space of feeling Connection. This is me being grounded and honoring that which Guides me.  Everyone has this ability! We all have it, but in different capacities. Some hear, some see, some feel, some smell, some know.  You just need to find your Center and Trust what you sense. It is possible.

Today I am Connected. Thank YOU!  :-)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Amazingly Smooth still!

Another day is greeted with anticipation and focus.  Another day is met with Smooth energy. 

How fortunate I am to be alive and with this process!  How fortunate I am to be supported in such a unique way it is Truly Miraculous!!  I have so much to be grateful for today and this overflows and I share freely.

Determination, focus and stepping in a new direction, I honor the guidance I received and will receive to bring me to the dream I dared to dream.

Amazing! You reading this means you have connected with the energy I Am. You reading this means you have become part of the network of connection that has supported me along the way. Yes YOU!  This is a new dimension for me and I am grateful for your Friendship and Support. You may or may not know me personally, but you connect with the energy that is Alive that we all belong to.  Think about it. This is networking at it's Best! 

Enjoy this gift of overflowing Gratitude today. I am Blessed and Wish Blessings overflowing for you too.

Namaste.  :-)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Energy behind the smooth feeling today brings Universal Love to share with All.

It's so important to celebrate and share when one has a day like this. 

All the struggle brings a deeper understanding of how this type of smooth energy washes over me and I accept it freely because I live life as everything happens for a reason.  That's why I don't have anxiety and my worries are short lived.

May you accept the Universal Love that brings this Smooth, Calm feeling through me that overflows to everyone that needs it.  And then may you experience an Opening.

It is in the smallest of opening to possibilities that you can find a vast sea of positive energy to bring you to the Best You can Be!  

Isn't that fascinating?  Just being open to a possibility can bring you the shower of positive energy you need to proceed to your dreams.  In the opening, it is the opening, not the first step, not the pause before the first step, it is after you become aware.

Receive this gift of the Joy of Opening today.  I share freely!  I have to!  It is overflowing...  :-)

Monday, January 10, 2011

a push to change

Ever feel like you are being pushed to change?  Fighting it doesn't help. We are much larger than our human bodies.  I know, it is sometimes a hard concept to grasp.

Think about it.  When we think positively about someone, it can possibly change their life.  Even amongst a huge struggle, we can allow the struggle because we know there is a larger purpose for the struggle.  Then the struggle dissipates.

Everyone has a calling.  Sometimes we don't know the calling until we resonate with the familiar.  What, you don't know what your calling is?  You will need to honor yourself first. Center yourself first. Know yourself first.  If one is too busy not being with their self, they are not being authentic. They are not honoring that which is within them, they are struggling because it is the external that causes confusion.

A push to change is here if you need one.  Open to the possibilities. Open to the infinite.  Let the push happen and you will learn you can fly.  :-)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Brought to Light

As painful as it was, I dug deep inside myself to find the blockage.

I found it. Immediate course of action was required and I acted immediately.

Discovering something painful is a two sided thing for me.  Because of the creature I am, I find Joy in transformation of energy.  Because of the creature where I came from, I discovered and unearthed the Truth. Through the pain, I trudged along the path of Enlightenment.  Through the pain, I discovered a Lie I believed as Truth.

It was in this moment of awareness that I realized I had brought it to Light.  The pain was deep, but the Joy of knowing it will be transformed because that is always what sets something free by choice.

I chose to set it into the Altar of Light I created. I cried. I felt the Lie and released it. 

Now is the time to take the things you don't need anymore and transform them through Light.

One thing leads to another. The energy it took to get to that answer ran quickly into bringing other issues to Light!  Deep Issues, Deep Secrets.

How can this be?  With One Awareness another unfolds before my eyes and now I am familiar with the exhilaration of bringing that to my Altar of Light as well!  How can this be that I am suddenly releasing so much into the Light?

Because it is in the Joy I sense when I am allowed and choose to work with Light and seek Truth and bring Lies to the Light to transform.

Yes, it was that easy, but you must remember, it was quite painful when I realized some things, but in the pain, I chose to step into Light and Relinquish.

Make your Peace today, it's a good day to relinquish.  :-)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The Altar is there for you.  The way is paved for you to reach the Altar.  Beauty surrounds the Altar. Energy becomes still around the Altar. 

This is between you and All That Is. 

It is a time for you to reverently relinquish thoughts.  Another pause before the next step.  Is not the daily beginnings an offering for you to start Fresh, Anew?

All the turmoil you had can vanish if you let it.  But what good is that you ask?

You are still held captive in this dimension.

Yes, part of you is, but you are the tip of the iceberg in this dimension.

You are much greater than what you see in the mirror in the morning.

You effect more than you think.  What, you don't know that?

Try this.  Smile inside the next time you are waiting in a line for something. Think happy thoughts about strangers around you.  Try not to speak, just smile brightly inside.  No matter how irritable those around you are, smile and think happy thoughts about them.  Let me know how that works for you.  Let others know how that works for you.  Share your results.

Ever wonder how that works? We are part of Nature, and Nature is Natural.  Nature has no demands, it is merely a way of Being.  Isn't it nice to Be instead of Do?  

Come to your Altar and Be.

It doesn't have to be a physical Altar, it can be the one you create in your Mind.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Interesting how energy works.  How does that happen?

The transference of energy is fascinating to think about.

The sunset talks to me.  The Beauty of it speaks to my Heart and makes me Smile naturally.

Something that powerful exists NOW.  All creatures looking at this would feel the Joy expressed.

But not all creatures see it.  They are too busy, too wrapped up in the Survival mode where things of Beauty are not important.

So, if we know this, why don't we create an environment where survival emotions are relieved and then one is able to experience Beauty naturally?  Interesting to think about.  Natural phenomena.  By our thoughts and intentions, we create energy around us.  This energy then attracts or repels that which we created.

Today I attract Beauty and Joy.  May you find this easy for you to do today as well.

Yes, it is that easy.  As a dear friend told me "Go For It".  :-)