Thursday, September 30, 2010

New Focus

Yesterday as I sat with my Center, I was presented with a few new concepts about things.

It started with a hummingbird being close to my face as I sat there gently listening.

In the evening, I was presented with a new thought.  All the questions I had were answered, but I had many more as my day progressed.  Instead I received a gift of a new thought and gently accepted it. What if you change your focus?

The focus I've had recently had run it's course. I questioned myself many times, playing with the focus I recently had and until yesterday I thought I would go crazy not knowing.  Then after centering, I felt calmer.

My new focus brought me a great opening to all that is.  I thought I was pretty open to begin with!  That was not the case, my new focus instead shifted my gaze very slightly.  I discovered I was on the precipice of a huge shift in my thinking/being.

Then it came.  The calm.  As if everything became easy.  The struggle was over.  I was pleased!  Then I did the most natural thing. Something I learned before sharing something sacred with an audience.  It is taking a deep breath and exhaling in the moment as the beginning.  This I have learned shows reverence for the moment about to happen.  It is my way of honoring that which is unseen but felt.

We all have our different ways of showing reverence and honor.  It only occurs naturally in an unrushed moment. A moment where you are completely aware of everything around you and YET you still are in your center.  A moment where you are fully realized.  A moment that is not judged or questioned.  A moment where truth exists. 

Don't know how to get this?  Yes you do!  You do it all the time!  It's the moment you look to the left or right while you're thinking!  If you can be still enough to experience it while you're in your center and you feel the gaze move slightly physically or mentally, that's it.  You've captured it.  Now sit with it and notice what you naturally do. No need to write anything down, you WILL remember!  :-)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Center yourself!  Fine, what does that really mean?

It's the place where you are.  The place where you can find the smile when you are sad. The place where you can cry when you need to. The place where you realize how powerful you are and you want to breathe in that power and be with it.  The place where you rest and catch your breath.  The place where you find shelter.  

The place you emerge from after the storm has passed.

The place you connect with your Universe.  The place where you sigh as the sun sets.  The place where Joy washes over you as you consciously send Love to your Universe freely.

The gentle gaze only comes from being centered.

Everything else fades away.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In an instant

Ever have something happen in an instant that changed your life?

You probably have!

You can change your own life right now.  Just change your mind.  Change the way you think about yourself. You're the only one who controls you! You're the only one who can change your mind.

Sometimes we change our mind but go back to our old ways. This is natural. Just know this may happen and that you can let it go and try again.  Don't hide it from yourself.  Be true to yourself!  Who are you kidding?  

Just by being aware of your old ways creeping up on you will allow yourself to slow down, take a breath and recapture the NEW way!  Recapture it, run with it rampantly!


Monday, September 27, 2010


Drink it. Swim in it. Feel one with it as the wave carries you back to the beach.

The quality of water is important when needing to stay fluid with the moment. Staying buoyant during a very stressful event. 

What quality do you need today?  Let nature help you define how something will assist you. Let nature share it's simple gift of communication with you.  Let nature's energy bring you a gentle message today.  Will you take the time to listen?

Drink water with reverence today.  Tomorrow is another day with another quality needed, but today Be Blessed with Water.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Awkward transition

It's hard trying to get through a transition with some semblance of grace.

I have discovered I become wide open and that everything is questionable. Why is this? It is in my nature, that's why. Somewhere I learned or knew that transition for me was going to be awkward.

We all like appearing graceful and easy flowing, don't we? Or maybe that is another assumption of mine.  We really are more alike than we are different.  

The awkwardness is merely an opening to the possibility of this new transition one seeks.  It is in the treatment of this awkwardness that allows us to see deep within ourselves and accept ourselves and process or fight it.  Unfortunately, I believe there is always going to be the fight, so accepting the fight is allowing oneself to an opportunity to be gentle with oneself during this incongruent phase. It is in the wrestling (fighting and then allowing) where the need to align comes in.

What is happening is we are trying to align ourselves with this new reality!  Our history fights with what is new. Sometimes the fight is a whimper, sometimes the fight is an internal blast that takes us by surprise and then we can begin to say "I'm really going to OK! This is just part of the process and I honor it and choose to release it!"  

How do you get to this point?  It takes tenacity and consistent positive self talk, being so vigilant that all other processes become a low priority.  Sometimes this kind of focus can be misconstrued with not being interested in one's surroundings.  This too shall pass. It is part of the process!  It is not long term!

I'm excited about the transition because I enjoy seeing the unfolding of events and how awareness brings things to my attention that I had been either ignoring or giving excuses to.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Making a decision to try something new has it's rush and it's dread.

The rush to interface with something new, the dread of remembering how things were and how you became accustomed to interfacing with something quite frequently.

Along the way of the transition one begins to find out who one's friends really are.  

Living "everything thing happens for a reason" and "if something is brought to my attention, I need to deal with it" gives me the power to change what I need to change.

Are you in a transition or on the precipice of one?  Transition is a most vulnerable state. If there were any doubts of how confident you were, they will surface quite quickly and may cause fear to rise up during this time. 

Breathe!  You chose this transition, so be gentle with yourself as you navigate through this unknown territory.  Breathe!  See the light you are creating from this change, it will banish the fear (dimness) and you will gain confidence that will calm you.  

Just know you could lose friends, but more importantly, know the friends who stay with you are the ones you need to strengthen your support system as you gain new friendships!  

Life is ever changing, isn't it?!  We really are all in this together, so let's enjoy each other's company today!  :-)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Throughout our day, we have so many questions for ourselves. We carry on conversations with ourselves and answer ourselves sometimes too!

What are your questions?  Why do you have some of the same questions day in and day out?  We all have them!  It's as if we can break through the brick wall with the same questions. We can't!  We need to look at what questions we want to change. Yes, change the verbiage! It's that easy!

A friend recently told me to use the word Unique to describe what I find Joyful.  I had labeled it "different".  Using the word Unique gave me a different perspective immediately!  Really!

If I can change my perspective with one word, what can you do with one word?  One sentence, one question?

Listen to yourself.  Give yourself the gift of awareness.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Opportunity presents us with so many possibilities!  How could we not revel in the splendid beauty of opportunity.

Love lives here. The presence of Love is Life.  We all have it within us. It is through the weaving of opportunity with Love where we realize if we weave along with Love, it strengthens what we create!

Being present with our opportunities allows us the possibility of what could be.

What could be is the thought that presents itself.  An option!  We have so many options to choose from.

Where do you want to place your presence today?  Where do you want to be today?  We are among friends today.  Know others are with you in the same situation you are in.  Can't you feel that?

Today, you will walk into an area and almost as if it was planned, someone will catch your attention. Why? You don't know them!  You do know them.  You have resonance with them.  Use the gentle gaze to show them you know what they're going through.  This may happen in a nano second, but do it.  No words need to be said sometimes, just a smile or gentle gaze. Welcome to my world.  Everything happens for a reason and synchronicity is the act of Life woven with Love.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Those that have touched our life deeply come visit us often in our thoughts and dreams.

As humans, we are defined, but that place where the energy is before the thought is the place where we come from.    

As humans, we are able to define ourselves. Take time to be calm, silent and reverent.  It allows your body to catch up with the energy before the thought!  This time allows you to remember where you really came from.  Share the Joy after your silent time.  Someone you know needs to feel or sense this Joy because they have forgotten. 

You don't need to be overbearing. Simply sitting silently with someone with your Joy will cause them to shift their present moment. It may be small, but it may just lead to saving their life!  Being present with them may be the gift they didn't know how to ask for.

I am grateful for YOU today.  You were brought to my attention and I honor YOU today!  <me smiling>  :-)

Monday, September 20, 2010

New Growth

In the process of learning something new, you may realize there is new growth in your world!

An opening causes new energy to enter into your present.  Have you ever noticed that it is Love that allows this opening? It may be small at first, a thought, a vision. A possibility of how things could be. A thought just for a split second. Then a day later, you remember the thought and the energy grows around the thought. Love is the magnet that brings this new energy thought consciousness to you.

All of a sudden the thought becomes reality. The energy of this new reality emerges right in front of your eyes as you had envisioned!

How can this be?  Am I really that powerful?  How did I get the thought in the first place?

Always remember it is Love that gives us the power to allow.

Own it.   :-)

Friday, September 17, 2010


Every once and awhile, one becomes thirsty. 

A sense of fluidity is vital when beginning a new journey. You may find yourself asking how you got that way. Who cares? So What? You took the first step of being aware, you are acquiring new tools to bring with you on your new journey and you're now not afraid to use them.

You find yourself suddenly fluid with movement and synthesis of all around you.

A gentle energy surrounds you as the gentle gaze appears and a smile emerges without effort.

Breathe. Enjoy being you. You are all you need. The other stuff is frosting on the cake.

Come drink with me. There is enough for everyone here in this space.   :-)

Thursday, September 16, 2010


When one is in disagreement with another, there is conflict.

It is an inevitable part of life and depending on the situation you are in during the conflict, it can be easily remedied or there may be a bigger need to process it in a neutral situation.

It begins with an uneasy feeling. Something about the words you hear or see cause a feeling. That feeling is the first sense you have something is not resonating with you as you are now.

If you take this feeling and allow it in your thoughts, you are more apt to be able to process what you are hearing/seeing along with that feeling.

If you're gentle enough with this process and have practice doing it, you begin to realize the conflict is OK and it is something you don't need to be hooked into.  On the other hand, you may have practice with grabbing the hook of conflict and staying with it. Painfully analyzing why you were in the wrong. This is called internalizing. Unfortunately, I have too much practice with this.

 I don't know about you, but it's like having a sore muscle with a new process. Your body needs to realign itself naturally to integrate this new regimen. You need to be gentle to yourself during this process. Don't beat yourself up for not doing it right. It's ok. You are OK! Take a breath, know you are being the best you can be and go on. Release the hook. It's that easy. You may be sore after that, but it's merely superficial, it is not deep and will heal itself sooner than you think because you choose to massage the soreness out with positive self talk.

Someone out there has your back. It's YOU!  Now show yourself some Love.  :-)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I don't know.

Why does the day start out on such a fascinating note again? I have been living this way since March 19, 2010. Time has gone by so slowly. Is it because I choose to live so richly?  I don't know why.

I don't need to know why, I just merely am enjoying it. Even through some tough days, time is slow and relaxed. Even through some really good days, time is slow and relaxed. I choose to be this way. It is my choice. I see the future brightly, I am in the present moment constantly, I feel the past and treat it like a breeze I needed to bring in the fresh air.

Today is my day, again. Why am I so blessed with being alive in this time? I don't know.

Today I just am.

Do you need time to be slower?  Clarity has a way of making one's perception of time slower perhaps.  If one can experience the NOW as it is without judgement, it is a gift for the moment.  Open up to the possibilities today, you don't have to say YES to everything, just the parts you want to say YES to.  It may be saying Yes to showing those around you that you care. It may be saying Yes to doing laundry to help with daily duties of the home. It may be saying Yes to preparing the meal you know will nourish your Loved Ones or your Self.  It may be saying "later" to the television, to the text message, because you're busy experiencing the NOW.

Breathe it in. Sit with it. Play with it. Dance with it. Enjoy it. It is all we have.         Namaste.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Trying something new gives us the renewed sense of reverence for how the new process unfolds.

It's the first breath that allows reverence before the process begins. It is being present in the moment sitting with this new process. It is the reality you breathe in. Sometimes new processes don't have a gentle beginning. Sometimes it's a rush of fear that initiates the change. But there is still the breath. There is still that first breath you breathe in sitting with the new process.

Remember the breath.  It is something natural and something that let's us focus on being in reality with the present.

Namaste.  :-)

Monday, September 13, 2010


I greeted the day with a laugh at some sore muscles.  What a fun day I had yesterday with stretching.  It felt so good to feel so alive and present with my body.

How fortunate to have the Joy of Awareness with physical affirmation of my hard work.

We get affirmation in so many forms!  Some are very physical while others are a kind glance from a friend or even a stranger.  It's a natural process of growth.

Sometimes it takes some really hard work to get to where you want to go.  Where there is work done physically, the mental follows.  Where there is work done mentally, the physical follows.  This is the path I chose and I am here Presently today.

Where are you?

The balance of body/mind/spirit is interesting, isn't it?  Sometimes we have to go out on the fringe of each one of these to see how we react, just to say we can do it. Our affirmation in these circumstances is only needed from within.  Can you laugh at yourself?

I did yesterday during my struggles-it brought me great Joy to laugh at how my body was beginning to be connected with my mind. It was so fun!

Where is your fun?  We really are all in this together. Let's have fun today and affirm it with laughter! :-)

Saturday, September 11, 2010


We all have excuses. Want to change? Look at your excuses. Examine why you have to have this internal conversation.

Why did the conversation come up?

We all have our faults which also gives us the power to overcome them. All on our own.

Today, you can accept this gift of energy to change. It is here for YOU. It has been here all along waiting for you to be open to it.

Just receive it and make the choice. Make the decision. Now.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Need assistance clearing your mind?  Go for a walk. Run away to nature. How do they do that? Critters of all kinds just doing their thing, minding their own business.  

All of a sudden a thought occurs to you. "Why didn't I think of that before?" you ask yourself.

Was it the plants or the critters that set your mind free for a fleeting moment of unattachment?

You had to let go of the struggle to allow clarity.

Remember this unattached feeling, it could be useful sometime when you really need it.  Because it is with this unattachment where you find the greatest attachment to life you'll ever experience. It was always there waiting for your gaze. It is your Faith. It is NOT religion, it is your underlying belief in Life and how you relate to everything.  :-)

Thursday, September 9, 2010


In order to make a decision, it is important to first have awareness of what the problem (opportunity) is that one needs to make a decision about.

The gift in this process is the gentle manner in which the (opportunity) is made aware. This doesn't happen very often in some people's life. Sometimes it occurs with tragedy or some life changing event.

You really know what the (opportunity) is when it is deep within you and someone nudges you by naming it. The trick is finding someone who can do this. 

Verbiage has so much power, why not see the opportunity and embrace it and cherish the gift within it? I know, today I am.  I choose to take this awareness and gently flow with it.  May the Peace of the Day find its way to you today.  You are the only You.  :-)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


You ever get a thought in your mind that was so new it was foreign? Like you could have never imagined something so different?

I'm curious now because I choose to say the thought was ok and I don't need to judge it or process it.  So, what good is the thought if I don't need to process or judge and how did it get there?

I'm really ok with the thought.  It's the analyzing that is fun for me.  What is fun for you?

Entertain a foreign thought just for fun-are you an analyzer too?  How do you "view" the thought?

Maybe it has to do with picking up on energy that is foreign somehow. That would be cool!  :-)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Sometimes the things that take us by surprise have nothing to do with the feeling of shock or awe.

Sometimes it's the gentleness of the beginning of the day that reminds us of who we really are. We are gentle creatures who find Joy in different ways, but we still find it.  When we least expect it, it is there to greet us.

We are all searching for the same thing. How do you want your searching journey to go? Aren't you excited?  Don't you want to share that excitement?  Sometimes just by taking a deep breath, that's all you need.

Breathe it in.  :-)

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Staying  in a hotel, I had to use their iron and ironing board. It was situated to where I had to use my other hand to iron with. It fascinated me because I found it easy to switch, but realized soon after that I had to reorient my whole body/mind connection! I tried using the "usual" hand, but I couldn't do a good job and it was awkward.

Such is learning a new way of thinking. You may find that switching the way you think could be easy and much more convenient at first, but there is more to DO when you allow this. I know that I find fun in doing this, but I realized others may not be so excited about the thought.

If you know you are going to have to change the way you think, you can try something small. Something that you do the same way every single day with little variation-take that and do it differently. Consciously do it differently. Be gentle with yourself during this process. Take a breath, say it will be fine and that you are reprogramming your mind/body connection with this new way of doing things!

Then, after you experience this, try applying the same principles you just learned with the big stuff you're wanting to change. You'll know what you're in for-you'll know pitfalls you may have, but most of all, you'll be able to have more self confidence about your new way of thinking because you've had practice!

Get it? Got it? Good.   :-)

Friday, September 3, 2010


Staying open to possibilities may bring relief when feeling stuck or in a rut. It's all in one's perspective!

Look at it in a different way.  Feeling like one is in a rut is the first step to awareness for the opportunity to present itself to change.  What do you want to change?  You're the only one in your way.

Get out of your way and hold on to your hat.

Namaste.  :-)

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Need to make a shift?  Let it go. Experience yourself as everything is being OK! Yep, it's that simple.

Being unattached to anything allows you to experience Self. The trick is to integrate this back into your body as you relate to your surroundings knowing that you are OK and you just said Yes to Yourself!

It's all about Balance. Finding that Self and how You interface with others and all that is around you.

There's more of us than you think. We're all searching for the same thing.

Find the rhythm you can move with.   :-)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


By the simple act of defining terms that you use frequently, it allows you to see there is more than one meaning sometimes. Use the dictionary!

Be the Dictionary, define your life. Define who you are. Express that definition. Resonate with others who share that definition, it will enlighten you and support you.

Not resonating with others? Place yourself in places you haven't gone for awhile or have never gone. They will find you.

This is all about saying Yes to Yourself. You're the only You! Enjoy it.