Wednesday, March 23, 2011


What if I were to tell you the answers to all the questions you'll ever have?

You would grow weary of answers and questions.

Life is more than answers and questions.

Nature reminds us of what is truly important in our lives.  The sun gives us life, it permeates our existence and gives us power.  The moon does the same, just more gently.  Is it not in the sleep state where we relinquish and refresh ourselves?  Is it not in the darkness where we can choose to be calmed and soothed?  True, the sun can do this as well, but with a much different energy.  Just as each of us!

We all have ways of transforming ourselves, each in different ways, each with different focuses, each using energy to benefit our well being.

That is why nature keeps going on!  It reminds us that we are here together whether we choose to believe that or not.  It is in the forgetting and remembering where we make our choices.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Amazing where creativity comes from.  A true artist honors that which is unseen.  "How can that be?" you ask.  Because where the energy comes from is from the unseen.  It comes from energy moving through them.  It is expression of higher self.  Higher self? What??  You Lost me.

The higher self is your spirit, your soul. All of that oeey gooey good stuff that is unseen. Your body is merely a vehicle in which your spirit and soul functions at this level.

An artist is open to energy that moves through them.  They relinquish to how a thought occurs to them and then they begin assembling their thoughts and supplies before beginning their project.  Then comes the pen to the paper, the paint to the canvas, the scissors to the fabric.  This is an important step because it is in this step where the creativity takes over-the expression takes over-the artist relinquishes to the rush of energy to lead them where they need to go to use what it is they have at that moment.  Most times, the thought they initially had was a good thought, but the product they produce in the end is something different than they first thought of. That is how spirit works, that is how energy works. Many times, for myself, I find myself in a trance where I "come to" and am in awe at what was created. This is not ego, this is astonishment at what I thought would be the finished product doesn't match at all with how much more the end product exceeded any expectation.

You see, I am at a junction such as this.  I am getting my supplies together for the project at hand.  Having been through this for most of my adult life, I know this will be exciting because when I relinquish, the end result of the project will exceed my expectations.

You think you're not creative?  Hogwash!!!  How many times have you had to alter your course midstream in any "project" and were in awe of how well it turned out?  That is creativity my friend!  True, we all have our gifts and they are not the same, I am just nudging you today to give you some self confidence in what you may have that you have ignored or discounted.

Let's Create something awesome!~    :-)

Friday, March 18, 2011


Amazing what will happen when one gets a breath of calm during a storm.

Life seems to be more clear. The meaning of life seems so much closer, doesn't it?!

One's purpose becomes very clear, one's focus becomes more precise.

Create the breath of calm for yourself if you are in a storm.  Keep breathing through the storm and know the calm will come. Have Faith the calm will come. Believe the calm will come.  Just breathe the breath of calm when you can and you will be amazed.

A new awareness emerges from the storm, a new existence emerges from the storm.  Struggle is gone, the hold is released.

Really, it is the energy that one feels that is genuine. Sometimes the words we use do not correctly reflect the energy behind them-this is where miscommunication happens.

It is in the interpretation where miscommunication may occur.

Escucha a tu corazón.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Core

Brought to awareness in my core, the awareness comes to the surface.

Each of us has our way of dealing with our core.  Everything doesn't need to be a battle. "Choose your battles" is pretty empty and riddled with violent connotations.  I see it now as what I hold to be Truth in my Heart.  It is not a battle, it is a Truth I have and my being resonates with it.

You're thinking "she's gone off the deep end".  Yes, I have!!  I jumped in head first because that is how freeing the Truth is.  The water I jump into is filled with Life, Light and Love.  The more I swim, the more I drown in it's life force.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, I discovered a core Truth I was born with. I say unfortunately because the value is how I communicate which is not with words most of the time. I say fortunately because I now understand why I am like I am because I communicate with energy and now I have a base with which I can now interpret that energy into words.

In my field of energy, I exist, in my field of energy, I touch many other fields of energy. We all do!  In my quest for harmony, my thoughts emit the energy I have allowed in my field of energy. Harmony is messy. IT is not a calm, it is a process in which brining other energy into one's field requires integration after awareness of it. A constant tugging and letting go where one remains steadfast in one's core allowing the activity around one's core to happen naturally, trying not to judge and label.  Today, I now can label the feeling for Harmony.  It is clarity, a clear feeling, a clear energy, a clearing.

By reading this, you have connected with the words I use to communicate with you. By reading this you connect with my energy I have emitted behind the words and today I share this clarity with you.

Thank you for letting me share. It is my purpose to share the Joy offered by the Universe. Even in troubled times, Joy shared brings those around us back to their core where there is the remembrance of Life and Light.

Friday, March 11, 2011

This is it.

Welcome to the Rest of Your Life!

The past is the past. Today is the Day. Now is the Time. Now is all we really Have.

So fearful of the future you may have been, but here you are!  This is your future!  You are safe, cared for, cherished.  What, you don't think you are cherished?  Even when you are alone, those unseen cherish you.  All you need to do is smile.  

Smile. You are opening your soul when you smile!  Smile to yourself for no reason...Smile to yourself for ALL the reasons.  Get out of your rut! Pull your bootstraps up and Smile.

Be full of care, you may just have a sigh of relief following that smile of yours.

Yes, it is a new day, a new chance to breathe!

The struggles you have been facing have actually given you a wider base to appreciate the good vibes you are now feeling.

And it is so wonder filled to share those good vibes with those around is soooo contagious!

It is completely your choice in how you view things, so why not?  What have you got to lose?  

From My Heart to Yours.  :-)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


When one is aware of energy and the frequency of vibrations around oneself, their life will never be the same.  It is the same as remembering a fragrance.  The brain maps out things associated with the fragrance, just as the brain maps out things associated with frequencies/vibrations.

When intense frequencies are present, others around feel it.  Positive or negative.

Last night I experienced matching a very low frequency.  I had never experienced that before.  I will never allow it to happen again, you see, I am powerful with my own choices. I now choose to never to placed in that position again.  There comes a point where one realizes lower frequencies are there for a reason and there is no reason to have to hang on to those.  Hanging on means you sit with those lower frequencies and allow them to permeate your energy field.  This is not growth for you, and we all need to grow!

Don't do it. There is nothing wrong with letting it go, releasing it, relinquishing to your higher self.  I move through loud music that makes me dance naturally. You've got to find your own way, I merely share because if it happens to me, others may find it helpful.  My purpose in life is to share Joy.  If Joy is present, all other frequencies melt away.

What, you think you are setting yourself up for more disappointment?  Repattern yourself. That is your only salvation.  If you don't change how you react or act, nothing will change and you won't grow.

I am here to tell you it's ok to release it, let go of the fight, let go of the struggle.  We are all in this together.  I will always choose sharing Joy because we all need it more than we need struggle and fight!  In spite of what negative experiences I have in my own life, my focus is laser precise in spite of everything around me because I am the calm in the storm.

Interface with positive thoughts that are not conditional and you will change your life.  Others around you will feel happy in an unexplainable manner.  Get over yourself.  We are much larger than our physical beings!  Move out that negativity and move in the positive gooey stuff just waiting to permeate all you are.  This is a doing act, not an asking act.  Feel your power.  Yes, right there, that smile.

I am a facilitator and reminder for you to remember how easy it is to plug yourself back in what life is really about.  Of course, there are many of us here who can facilitate your remembering, but each of us has our own style of how we do this.  :-)

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's been awhile!

Walking in a foreign country, I approached this strange sculpture. An expression of a feeling.

Being exposed to another culture is so fascinating, isn't it?!  The subtle nuances of cadence of speech, the subtle nuances of how to behave correctly, the subtle nuances cultural dress.

But the energy is similar.  Seeing past these external things, the essential energy is the same! 

On my journey this time, spirit spoke very LOUDLY to me. Six other persons facilitated the same message. "Do not be afraid, this is unconventional." Insatiably fascinating this experience was.

My journey continues and expands to other parts of the world and I am supported with my efforts.  I look forward to making new friends and speaking other languages, but mostly, I look forward to speaking with my Heart, because isn't that the universal language?

Listening and speaking with one's Heart is the easiest language to express.  Let's do more of that together, what do you say?  Are you in?

I'm all in!! 

I choose to express and Wow, you guys are listening!  I sense it and Thank you for letting me share.  

From my Heart to Yours:  I see you and see the Beauty of this connection, Thank you.  :-)