Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I don't know.

Why does the day start out on such a fascinating note again? I have been living this way since March 19, 2010. Time has gone by so slowly. Is it because I choose to live so richly?  I don't know why.

I don't need to know why, I just merely am enjoying it. Even through some tough days, time is slow and relaxed. Even through some really good days, time is slow and relaxed. I choose to be this way. It is my choice. I see the future brightly, I am in the present moment constantly, I feel the past and treat it like a breeze I needed to bring in the fresh air.

Today is my day, again. Why am I so blessed with being alive in this time? I don't know.

Today I just am.

Do you need time to be slower?  Clarity has a way of making one's perception of time slower perhaps.  If one can experience the NOW as it is without judgement, it is a gift for the moment.  Open up to the possibilities today, you don't have to say YES to everything, just the parts you want to say YES to.  It may be saying Yes to showing those around you that you care. It may be saying Yes to doing laundry to help with daily duties of the home. It may be saying Yes to preparing the meal you know will nourish your Loved Ones or your Self.  It may be saying "later" to the television, to the text message, because you're busy experiencing the NOW.

Breathe it in. Sit with it. Play with it. Dance with it. Enjoy it. It is all we have.         Namaste.

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