Friday, March 11, 2011

This is it.

Welcome to the Rest of Your Life!

The past is the past. Today is the Day. Now is the Time. Now is all we really Have.

So fearful of the future you may have been, but here you are!  This is your future!  You are safe, cared for, cherished.  What, you don't think you are cherished?  Even when you are alone, those unseen cherish you.  All you need to do is smile.  

Smile. You are opening your soul when you smile!  Smile to yourself for no reason...Smile to yourself for ALL the reasons.  Get out of your rut! Pull your bootstraps up and Smile.

Be full of care, you may just have a sigh of relief following that smile of yours.

Yes, it is a new day, a new chance to breathe!

The struggles you have been facing have actually given you a wider base to appreciate the good vibes you are now feeling.

And it is so wonder filled to share those good vibes with those around is soooo contagious!

It is completely your choice in how you view things, so why not?  What have you got to lose?  

From My Heart to Yours.  :-)